
Can’t say I ever imagined living in Michigan. There are a lot of things about Michigan that scares me away, mainly, S-N-O-W! The Southern California girl in me shutters at the thought of it. Luckily, we have not hit that part of the season so it is not something I have to fight. But their fall season is breath taking. The colors make the trees look as if they are on fire, consumed by yellow, burgundy, orange, and red. Colors I have only imagined, but never seen, used to paint the open landscape. A California fall means boots, scarfs, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and naked trees. There really isn’t much of a transition period. On the other hand, Michigan falls are an explosion of color, and smells. Oddly, it is still pretty humid. We are told this is not normal, it is pretty odd. I keep trying to wear boots and scarfs, but the weather is not permitting. The community we are staying in has no fences, only wide open spaces between the homes. There are no street lights, which makes for an almost magical experience at night. The stars are incredibly clear and bright. All that to say, so far, this has been a great experience. I cannot complain.

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